Professor Renée Jeffery


Renée Jeffery, an eminent expert in the fields of conflict, justice, and human rights in the Asia-Pacific, is a valued Advisor at the Asian Institute for Advanced Research (AIFAR). She is a Professor of International Relations, Australian Research Council Future Fellow, and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia in the Griffith Asia Institute. In 2023, she was appointed a Global Fellow of Ewha Womans University in Seoul, South Korea. 

Renée's research focuses on issues related to conflict, justice, and human rights in the Asia-Pacific. She has conducted fieldworks in and/or published on the specific cases of Cambodia, Nepal, Aceh, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea (Bougainville), the Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Japan, the Philippines, and Taiwan. 

Since 2009 she has been awarded five Australian Research Council Grants, including a future Fellowship for a project on ‘National Human Rights Institutions and Transitional Justice in Asia.’ She is a former editor of both the Australian Journal of Political Science and the Journal of Global Security Studies. 

Renée has published 9 books, the most recent of which, Negotiating Peace: Amnesties, Justice, and Human Rights was published by Cambridge University Press in 2021. Her 10th book, Unity and Prosperity: Human Rights in Australia's Foreign Affairs is forthcoming. In  the meantime, she is working on the manuscript of a new book on the role of national human rights institutions in transitional justice processes.

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