Mission Statement
AIFAR is dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding through multidisciplinary research and analysis. We are committed to generating high-quality research that informs evidence-based policy and decision-making, fosters social and economic progress, and contributes to sustainable development in Nepal, South Asia, and beyond. Our research is guided by the highest standards of academic excellence, intellectual independence, and ethical integrity, and is informed by our commitment to social justice and equity.
Vision Statement
We envision a world in which knowledge and understanding are valued, shared, and used to promote social and economic progress, environmental sustainability, and human well-being. We envisage AIFAR as a leading research institution in Asia that contributes to this vision by conducting innovative and relevant research, engaging with stakeholders in a constructive and inclusive manner, and promoting a culture of academic excellence, intellectual independence, and ethical integrity. We aspire to make a positive impact through our research and to be recognized as a trusted and influential voice in shaping public debates and policies particularly in South Asia, and across the countries in Asia.